A Plot, A Scandal, a film by Ligia Lewis Featuring Corey Scott-Gilbert and Ligia Lewis. Scored by George Lewis Jr (AKA Twin Shadow) and Wynne Bennet Concept, Screenplay, and Directing: Ligia Lewis Director of Photography: Moritz Freudenberg Commissioned by the Center for Art, Research and Alliances (CARA) Full film 20 min Press: NY Times, Frieze
Presented at: Center for Arts Research and Alliances, NYC (US), Whitney Biennial 2024, Spazio Griot/ Mattatoio (IT), Arika (GB-SCT), Actoral Marseille (FR), MUBI US, UK, CANADA upcoming Haus der Kunst (DE)
The Stench of the Cry: Listening to A Plot A Scandal: Mlondi Zondi
(Concept, Artistic Direction, Choreography, Scenic/light design) Ligia Lewis. in creation with Performers: Ligia Lewis, Jasper Marsalis, Jasmine Orpilla, and Austyn Rich Sound dramaturgy, and design: Slauson Malone, with excerpts by S McKenna Costume design: Marta Martino Texts: Ligia Lewis, Ian Randolph, Shakespeare, and Ian McKellen on Shakespeare. Film Credits
Conceived and directed by Ligia Lewis
Produced by Reza Monahan Studio and Jim Fetterley. full film 19 min 39 sec. Press: FlashArt, Performa Presented at: Made in L.A. /Hammer Museum (US), Center for Arts Research and Alliances (NY), Walker Arts Center (US), Short Theater (IT), Shedhalle Zürich (CH), upcoming Haus der Kunst (DE). more info:https://hammer.ucla.edu/made-la-2020-version/ligia-lewis
A Plot, A Scandal, a film by Ligia Lewis Featuring Corey Scott-Gilbert and Ligia Lewis. Scored by George Lewis Jr (AKA Twin Shadow) and Wynne Bennet Concept, Screenplay, and Directing: Ligia Lewis Director of Photography: Moritz Freudenberg Commissioned by the Center for Art, Research and Alliances (CARA) Full film 20 min Press: NY Times, Frieze
Presented at: Center for Arts Research and Alliances, NYC (US), Whitney Biennial 2024, Spazio Griot/ Mattatoio (IT), Arika (GB-SCT), Actoral Marseille (FR), MUBI US, UK, CANADA upcoming Haus der Kunst (DE)
The Stench of the Cry: Listening to A Plot A Scandal: Mlondi Zondi
(Concept, Artistic Direction, Choreography, Scenic/light design) Ligia Lewis. in creation with Performers: Ligia Lewis, Jasper Marsalis, Jasmine Orpilla, and Austyn Rich Sound dramaturgy, and design: Slauson Malone, with excerpts by S McKenna Costume design: Marta Martino Texts: Ligia Lewis, Ian Randolph, Shakespeare, and Ian McKellen on Shakespeare. Film Credits
Conceived and directed by Ligia Lewis
Produced by Reza Monahan Studio and Jim Fetterley. full film 19 min 39 sec. Press: FlashArt, Performa Presented at: Made in L.A. /Hammer Museum (US), Center for Arts Research and Alliances (NY), Walker Arts Center (US), Short Theater (IT), Shedhalle Zürich (CH), upcoming Haus der Kunst (DE). more info:https://hammer.ucla.edu/made-la-2020-version/ligia-lewis